Source code for ligo.em_bright.computeDiskMass

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, interp1d

import lal
import lalsimulation as lalsim

from .data import PACKAGE_FILENAMES

[docs] def compute_isco(chi_bh): ''' This function takes as input the aligned spin component of the BH and returns the innermost stable circular orbit radius normalized by the mass of the BH. ''' if not np.all([np.abs(chi_bh) <= 1.0]): raise ValueError('|chi1| must be less than 1.0') Z1 = 1.0 + ((1.0 - chi_bh**2)**(1./3.))*((1 + chi_bh)**(1./3.) + (1 - chi_bh)**(1./3.)) Z2 = np.sqrt(3*chi_bh**2 + Z1**2) r_isco = 3 + Z2 - np.sign(chi_bh) * np.sqrt((3 - Z1)*(3 + Z1 + 2*Z2)) return r_isco
def _lalsim_neutron_star_radius(m, max_mass, fam): '''Return neutron star radius in meters''' if m > max_mass: return m * 1500 # 1 solar mass = 1500m else: try: return lalsim.SimNeutronStarRadius(m * lal.MSUN_SI, fam) except RuntimeError: # FIXME handle RuntimeError for edge cases # Raised if m is close to max_mass # GSL function failed: interpolation error (errnum=1) # XLAL Error - <GSL function> (interp.c:150): Generic failure return m * 1500 def _r_ns_from_lal_simulation(m_ns, eosname): eos = lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOSByName(eosname) fam = lalsim.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos) max_mass = lalsim.SimNeutronStarMaximumMass(fam)/c.M_sun.value try: iter(m_ns) R_ns = np.array([_lalsim_neutron_star_radius(m, max_mass, fam) for m in m_ns]) except TypeError: R_ns = _lalsim_neutron_star_radius(m_ns, max_mass, fam) return R_ns, max_mass def _compactness_baryon_mass(m_ns, r_ns): C_ns = c.G * m_ns * c.M_sun/(r_ns * u.m * c.c**2) C_ns = C_ns.value d1 = 0.619 d2 = 0.1359 BE = (d1*C_ns + d2*C_ns*C_ns) * m_ns # arXiv:1601.06083 (Eq: 21) m2_b = m_ns + BE # Baryonic mass - Gravitational mass = Binding Energy return [C_ns, m2_b]
[docs] def max_mass_from_eosname(eosname): if eosname == "2H": max_mass = 2.834648092299807 else: eos = lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOSByName(eosname) fam = lalsim.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos) max_mass = lalsim.SimNeutronStarMaximumMass(fam)/c.M_sun.value return max_mass
[docs] def computeCompactness(M_ns, eosname='2H', max_mass=None): ''' Return the neutron star compactness as a function of mass and equation of state or radius Parameters ---------- M_ns : array_like Neutron star mass in solar masses eosname : str or interp1d Neutron star equation of state to be used max_mass : float Maximum mass of neutron star. Returns ------- [C_ns, m2_b, max_mass] Compactness, baryon mass and maximum neutron star mass in solar masses. Notes ----- The radius and maximum mass of the neutron star is inferred based on the equation of state supplied. Max mass only needs to be supplied for EoS marginalization. Examples -------- >>> computeCompactness(2.8) [array(0.298), array(3.354), 2.834] >>> computeDiskMass.computeCompactness(2.9, eosname='AP4') [0.5, 0.0, 2.212] >>> m_ns = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3]) >>> computeDiskMass.computeCompactness(m_ns, eosname='AP4') [array([0.141, 0.154, 0.167]), array([1.199, 1.318, 1.439]), 2.212] ''' if isinstance(eosname, interp1d): # find R as a function of M R_ns = eosname(M_ns) C_ns, m2_b = _compactness_baryon_mass(M_ns, R_ns) elif eosname != '2H': # infer radius and maximum mass based on lalsimulation EoS R_ns, max_mass = _r_ns_from_lal_simulation(M_ns, eosname) C_ns, m2_b = _compactness_baryon_mass(M_ns, R_ns) else: with open(PACKAGE_FILENAMES['equil_2H.dat'], 'rb') as f: M_g, M_b, Compactness = np.loadtxt(f, unpack=True) max_mass = max_mass_from_eosname("2H") s = UnivariateSpline(M_g, Compactness, k=5) s_b = UnivariateSpline(M_g, M_b, k=5) C_ns = s(M_ns) m2_b = s_b(M_ns) try: C_ns[M_ns > max_mass] = 0.5 # BH compactness set to 0.5 m2_b[M_ns > max_mass] = 0.0 # BH baryon mass set to 0.0 except TypeError: # if C_ns is not an array if M_ns > max_mass: C_ns = 0.5 m2_b = 0.0 return [C_ns, m2_b, max_mass]
''' For Newtonian: Obtained from arXiv 1807.00011 alpha = 0.406 beta = 0.139 gamma = 0.255 delta = 1.761 For Kerr: Obtained from private message from F. Foucart alpha = 0.24037857 beta = 0.15184471 gamma = 0.35607169 delta = 1.81491784 '''
[docs] def xi_implicit(xi, kappa, chi1, eta): xi_implicit = 3*(xi**2 - 2*kappa*xi + kappa**2*chi1**2) xi_implicit /= (xi**2 - 3*kappa*xi + 2*chi1*np.sqrt(kappa**3*xi)) xi_implicit -= eta*xi**3 return xi_implicit
[docs] def computeDiskMass(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, eosname='2H', kerr=False, R_ns=None, max_mass=None): """ This function computes the remnant disk mass after the coalescence using the equation (4) arXiv 1807.00011. Parameters ---------- m1, m2 : array_like primary and secondary mass(es) chi1, chi2 : array_like primary and secondary spin(s) eosname : str Name of the equation of state to be used. `AP4` `None` when supplying `R_ns`. kerr : bool Supply to use the relativistic tidal parameter. See Fishbone (1971). R_ns : float Radius of the secondary in m, assuming it is a neutron star. max_mass : float Maximum mass of a neutron star. To be supplied if not supplying EoS. Example ------- >>> computeDiskMass(5.0, 2.0, 0.99, 0.) 0.6321412881595185 >>> m1 = np.array([5., 6., 7.]) >>> m2 = np.array([1.0, 1.2, 1.6]) >>> chi1 = np.zeros(3) >>> chi2 = np.zeros(3) >>> computeDiskMass(m1, m2, chi1, chi2) array([0.12833991, 0.05054819, 0.]) >>> computeDiskMass(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, eosname='AP4') array([0.00851525, 0., 0.]) >>> max_mass = 3.0 # in m_sun >>> r_ns = 15000. # in meters >>> computeDiskMass(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, ... R_ns=r_ns, max_mass=max_mass, eosname=None) array([0.12265712, 0.04272054, 0.]) >>> # m1=2.0, m2=2.0 is a BNS event assuming 2H EOS >>> # DiskMass == 1.0 is a ad hoc value assigned for BNS events >>> masses_spins = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 0., 0.]) >>> computeDiskMass(masses_spins[0], masses_spins[1], ... masses_spins[2], masses_spins[3], eosname="2H") 1.0 >>> masses_spins = np.array([5.0, 2.0, 0.99, 0.]) >>> computeDiskMass(masses_spins[0], masses_spins[1], ... masses_spins[2], masses_spins[3], eosname="2H") 0.6321412881595185 Notes ----- The primary mass, by convention, is larger one. If arrays are supplied, `m1`, `m2`, `chi1`, `chi1` should be of the same size. """ try: _ = iter(m1) assert m1.size == m2.size == chi1.size == chi2.size, \ "masses and spins must have the same dimensions" # Making sure that the supplied m1 >= m2 ## largerMass1 = m1 >= m2 largerMass2 = m2 > m1 m_primary = np.zeros_like(m1) m_secondary = np.zeros_like(m2) chi_primary = np.zeros_like(chi1) chi_secondary = np.zeros_like(chi2) m_primary[largerMass1] = m1[largerMass1] m_primary[~largerMass1] = m2[largerMass2] m_secondary[~largerMass2] = m2[~largerMass2] m_secondary[largerMass2] = m1[~largerMass1] chi_primary[largerMass1] = chi1[largerMass1] chi_primary[~largerMass1] = chi2[~largerMass1] chi_secondary[~largerMass2] = chi2[~largerMass2] chi_secondary[largerMass2] = chi1[~largerMass1] except TypeError: if m1 >= m2: m_primary = m1 m_secondary = m2 chi_primary = chi1 chi_secondary = chi2 else: m_primary = m2 m_secondary = m1 chi_primary = chi2 chi_secondary = chi1 [C_ns, m2_b, max_mass] = computeCompactness(m_secondary, eosname=eosname, max_mass=max_mass) eta = m_primary*m_secondary/(m_primary + m_secondary)**2 BBH = m_secondary > max_mass BNS = m_primary < max_mass if not isinstance(BNS, np.ndarray): if BNS or BBH: return float(not (BBH) or BNS) if not kerr: alpha = 0.406 beta = 0.139 gamma = 0.255 delta = 1.761 firstTerm = alpha*(1 - 2*C_ns)/(eta**(1/3)) secondTerm = beta*compute_isco(chi1)*C_ns/eta thirdTerm = gamma else: alpha = 0.24037857 beta = 0.15184471 gamma = 0.35607169 delta = 1.81491784 kappa = (m_primary/m_secondary)*C_ns try: Num = len(kappa) xi = fsolve(xi_implicit, 100*np.ones(Num), args=(kappa, chi1, eta)) except TypeError: xi = fsolve(xi_implicit, 100, args=(kappa, chi1, eta)) firstTerm = alpha*xi*(1 - 2*C_ns) secondTerm = beta*compute_isco(chi1)*C_ns/eta thirdTerm = gamma combinedTerms = firstTerm - secondTerm + thirdTerm if hasattr(combinedTerms, 'ndim') and combinedTerms.ndim >= 1: lessthanzero = combinedTerms < 0.0 combinedTerms[lessthanzero] = 0.0 else: combinedTerms = 0 if combinedTerms < 0 else combinedTerms M_rem = (combinedTerms**delta)*m2_b if isinstance(BNS, np.ndarray): M_rem[BBH] = 0.0 # BBH is always EM-Dark M_rem[BNS] = 1.0 # Ad hoc value, assuming BNS is always EM-Bright return M_rem