Peformance of EM-Bright data products on the O3 MDC

The performance of EM-Bright data products across online CBC pipelines is shown below. 
Events with FAR threshold of FAR < 1/6*month were used in this analysis. For detailed description
of the Mock Data Challenge (MDC) and dataset used to produce these results, please 
refer to `arXiv:2308.04545 <>`_.

.. figure:: ./_static/hasNS.png
   :alt: ROC curve for HasNS
   :align: center

   Fig: ROC curve showing performance of **HasNS** across four online CBC pipelines 

.. figure:: ./_static/hasRemnant.png
   :alt: ROC curve for HasRemnant
   :align: center

   Fig: ROC curve showing performance of **HasRemnant** across four online CBC pipelines 

.. figure:: ./_static/hasmassgap.png
   :alt: ROC curve for HasMassGap
   :align: center

   Fig: ROC curve showing performance of **HasMassGap** across four online CBC pipelines