Source code for sleek_lvalert

# Copyright (C) 2018-2020  Leo P. Singer <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import asyncio
import getpass
import logging
import uuid

import pkg_resources
from safe_netrc import netrc, NetrcParseError
import slixmpp

from ._version import get_versions

__all__ = ('LVAlertClient',)
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _get_default_login(netrcfile, server):
        netrcfile = netrc(netrcfile)
    except (OSError, NetrcParseError):
        log.exception('Cannot load netrc file: %s', netrcfile)
        return None, None

    auth = netrcfile.authenticators(server)
    if auth is None:
        log.warn('No netrc entry found for server: %s', server)
        return None, None

    default_username, _, default_password = auth
    return default_username, default_password

def _get_login(username, password, netrcfile, interactive, server):
    default_username, default_password = _get_default_login(netrcfile, server)
    prompt = 'password for {}@{}: '.format(username, server)

    if username is not None and password is not None:
        return username, password
    elif username is None and default_username is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Username not specified')
    elif username is None or username == default_username:
        return default_username, default_password
    elif interactive:
        return username, getpass.getpass(prompt)
        raise RuntimeError('Password not specified')

[docs]class LVAlertClient(slixmpp.ClientXMPP): """An XMPP client configured for LVAlert. Parameters ---------- username : str, optional The XMPP username, or :obj:`None` to look up from the netrc_ file. password : str, optional The XMPP password, or :obj:`None` to look up from the netrc_ file. resource : str, optional The XMPP resource ID, or :obj:`None` to generate a random one. netrc : str, optional The netrc_ file. The default is to consult the ``NETRC`` environment variable or use the default path of ``~/.netrc``. interactive : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, then fall back to asking for the password on the command line if necessary. server : str, optional The LVAlert server hostname. Example ------- Usage of the :class:`LVAlertClient` class typically has three phases: 1. Create a client instance. Pass any desired connection options (server, username, password) to the constructor. 2. Configure a pubsub listener by calling the :meth:`listen` method and one or more event handlers by calling the :meth:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream.XMLStream.add_event_handler` method. 3. Start the client run loop by calling the :meth:`start` method. The client run loop continues processing until it is interrupted by a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or a call to the :meth:`stop` method either from one of the event handlers or from another thread. The simplest use case is a client that runs a callback for each LVAlert message that is received: .. code-block:: python def process_alert(node, payload): if node == 'cbc_gstlal': alert = json.loads(payload) print(alert) client = LVAlertClient() client.listen(process_alert) client.start() # Runs until interrupted with Ctrl-C Typically, if you want to call one of the administrative methods (:meth:`get_nodes`, :meth:`get_subscriptions`, :meth:`subscribe`, or :meth:`unsubscribe`), you will add them to a callback for the ``session_start`` event. Since these four methods are :term:`coroutines <coroutine>`, the callback should be defined using the ``async``/``await`` syntax: .. code-block:: python client = LVAlertClient() async def callback(*args): subscriptions = await client.get_subscriptions() print('Subscribed to:', subscriptions) client.add_event_handler('session_start', callback) client.start() # Runs until interrupted with Ctrl-C To register a *single-shot* callback, pass ``disposable=True`` to :meth:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream.XMLStream.add_event_handler`. This is most useful if you want to perform some action once, then immediately disconnect and stop: .. code-block:: python client = LVAlertClient() async def callback(*args): await client.subscribe('cbc_gstlal', 'cbc_pycbc') client.stop() client.add_event_handler('session_start', callback, disposable=True) client.start() # Stops after callback reaches client.stop() """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, resource=None, netrc=None, interactive=False, server=DEFAULT_SERVER): username, password = _get_login( username, password, netrc, interactive, server) if resource is None: resource = uuid.uuid4().hex jid = '{}@{}/{}'.format(username, server, resource) super().__init__(jid, password) self.register_plugin('xep_0060') # Activate PubSub plugin self.add_event_handler("session_start", self._session_start) self.ca_certs = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'certs.pem') self._stopped = None async def _session_start(self, event): self.send_presence() await self.get_roster()
[docs] def listen(self, callback): """Set a callback to be executed for each pubsub item received. Parameters ---------- callback : callable A function of two arguments: the node and the alert payload. """ self._callback = callback self.add_event_handler('pubsub_publish', self._pubsub_publish)
[docs] def start(self): """Run the client until :meth:`stop` is called. Establish a connection, process all events, and run all event handlers, until :meth:`stop` is called or the current thread is interrupted (e.g., by a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`). If the connection is ever dropped, it is re-established automatically. Once processing stops, the connection is closed cleanly before this method returns. """ self._stopped = self.loop.create_future() self.init_plugins() self.connect() try: self.loop.run_until_complete(self._stopped) finally: self.disconnect() self.loop.run_until_complete(self.disconnected)
def _stop(self): if self._stopped is not None: self._stopped.set_result(True) self._stopped = None
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the client. If the client has been started by calling :meth:`start`, then :meth:`start` will return and the connection will be closed. Notes ----- This method is thread safe, so you can use it to stop the client from another thread. For example: .. code-block:: python from threading import Thread from time import sleep client = LVAlertClient() def wait_then_stop(): sleep(5) client.stop() Thread(target=wait_then_stop).start() client.start() """ self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._stop)
def _pubsub_publish(self, msg): node = msg['pubsub_event']['items']['node'] text = msg['pubsub_event']['items']['item']['payload'].text try: self._callback(node, text) except: # noqa: E722 log.exception('Exception occurred in callback') @property def _pubsub_server(self): return 'pubsub.{}'.format(self.boundjid.server)
[docs] async def get_nodes(self): """Get a list of all available pubsub nodes. Returns ------- list A list of strings naming the available pubsub nodes """ result = await self['xep_0060'].get_nodes(self._pubsub_server) return [item for _, item, _ in result['disco_items']['items']]
[docs] async def get_subscriptions(self): """Get a list of your subscriptions. Returns ------- list A list of strings naming the subscribed pubsub nodes """ result = await self['xep_0060'].get_subscriptions(self._pubsub_server) return sorted({stanza['node'] for stanza in result['pubsub']['subscriptions']['substanzas']})
async def _subscribe(self, node): await self['xep_0060'].subscribe(self._pubsub_server, node)
[docs] async def subscribe(self, *nodes): """Subscribe to one or more pubsub nodes. Parameters ---------- *args : list A list of strings naming the pubsub nodes to which to subscribe """ await asyncio.gather(*(self._subscribe(node) for node in nodes))
async def _unsubscribe(self, node): subs = await self['xep_0060'].get_subscriptions( self._pubsub_server, node) subs = subs['pubsub']['subscriptions']['substanzas'] subids = [sub['subid'] for sub in subs] await asyncio.gather(*( self['xep_0060'].unsubscribe(self._pubsub_server, node, subid) for subid in subids))
[docs] async def unsubscribe(self, *nodes): """Unsubscribe from one or more pubsub nodes. Parameters ---------- *args : list A list of strings naming the pubsub nodes from which to unsubscribe """ await asyncio.gather(*(self._unsubscribe(node) for node in nodes))